I recently upgraded to the latest web edition, and it seems that things broke in every broweser except Webkit based browsers. I've spent the last couple days trying to dig into what is causing the problems. They all seem to occur after I try to SetDrawMode() to "Normal" (which BTW, throws errors and never returns in FF)
In FF, dragging then seems to get double or tripple wired up, and accelerating itself. You drag 10px, it moves 500px, and keeps moving when you are no longer dragging.
In IE8, everything seems to have vastly slowed down since the previos version. Callbacks and rendering that used to take seconds, now takes 30+ seconds.
I can half replicate the FF prob in the "Draw and Edit Shapes" sample. If you goto poly mode, draw a shape, then click normal mode, It throws "this.layerContainerDiv.contains is not a function" (opl_GeoResource.axd Line 710). I think that error is somehow bubbling up to create chaos throughout my application (which btw, uses jQuery without problems before the update).
I'll keep you updated if I find anything else that might help track this down.