The maps do not show at zoom levels 13 - 20 (scale 72,093 - 1,126). Instead I get a black screen with my feature layers shown (correctly) on it.
The map from zoom level 12 will often stretch and show on 13 or 14.
Based on another thread, I added the code to set yourLayerOverlay.DrawingExceptionMode = DrawingExceptionMode.ThrowException but that did not generate any different behavior or any new information. I could not find a property yourLayerOverlay.TimeoutInSeconds to set 600 as was also suggested in that thread.
This happens when I have loaded a layer for maps that contain roads (??lkaA[124567]0.shp, HighwayNetwork2_[12].shp) at a zoom level that the layer has a defined DefaultLineStyle.
I am led to believe that this was working in the previous version (ThinkGeo 3.x).