I am trying to make zooming smoother while using the OSM overlay (which is really great and thanks a lot for having it).
I have set the WinformsMap.ThreadingMode to Multithreaded, and used the following code …
osmOverlay.CacheDirectory = Directory.GetParent(Application.CommonAppDataPath) + @"\Maps\OpenStreetMapLayerCache1";
var tileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache(osmOverlay.CacheDirectory);
osmOverlay.TileCache = tileCache;
osmOverlay.PreviewTileCache = tileCache;
mapControl.Overlays.Add("Background", osmOverlay);
The zooming is smoother and the cached tiles are fuzzy as they should be when I zoom in.
The problem I have that I am not getting new tiles from the webserver as I did before.
What am I doing wrong ? Or what should I do ?