Hey @Kyle_Day,
I made a video of the difference between the 13.0.0-beta426 version (LEFT) and the stable 13.0.0 version (RIGHT).
I first made the build of beta426, then updated thinkgeo.ui.wpf to stable 13.0.0 and made the build again.
So there is no other difference in code on my side.
Yes, I use Tilecache for the WMS aerial photo, actually the same directory for both versions.
The difference in the video is when using mouse controls to pan/zoom the map.
There is a delay before the map starts moving, while I’m already dragging for while. The moving of the map is also not smooth like in the beta version.
Also zooming in/out is not as smooth as the beta version.
I think the video makes clear what I mean. Download available for a week with the link blow.
Any ideas?
Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom