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Panning/zooming much slower in stable release 13.0.0


The performance with panning/zooming in the stable version 13.0.0 has become much slower then in the previous version I used (13.0.0-Beta 426).
Also loading new photo tiles from a WMS host is slower.
Can you look into that, because it’s very annoying.

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom

Hey @G_Vandenboom,

Can you expand on these issues? We haven’t done any changes to the WMS code in v13, so I’m not sure why it would be slower. Are you using a TileCache on your WMS layer?

As for pan/zoom, is this when you just use the mouse controls or when you programmatically pan/zoom the map? When you say it’s much slower, does it hitch up as you pan, is it non-responsive in some way? Any video capture and code samples that we can get on this would help us understand what exactly you are experiencing this because I’ve been using v13 for a lot of projects and haven’t noticed any of this yet.


Hey @Kyle_Day,

I made a video of the difference between the 13.0.0-beta426 version (LEFT) and the stable 13.0.0 version (RIGHT).
I first made the build of beta426, then updated thinkgeo.ui.wpf to stable 13.0.0 and made the build again.
So there is no other difference in code on my side.

Yes, I use Tilecache for the WMS aerial photo, actually the same directory for both versions.

The difference in the video is when using mouse controls to pan/zoom the map.
There is a delay before the map starts moving, while I’m already dragging for while. The moving of the map is also not smooth like in the beta version.
Also zooming in/out is not as smooth as the beta version.

I think the video makes clear what I mean. Download available for a week with the link blow.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom

Hey @G_Vandenboom,

I see that both of those are somewhat slow (although clearly the right is slower). I’m not sure how detailed or abundant those features are, but I have a good feeling that those are slowing down the application. It seems that there were some changes in the official release that just exacerbated the issue.

As a quick test on your side, if you just remove those layers and keep the WMS, does the map behave normally again?

Where do those features come from on your side? Is it from a database or shapefile? Does it have a geometry index?

If possible, if you can provide a sample application with some of the data that recreates this issue? We can dig into it more on our side to help identify the slowness.
