Occasionally, users will experience a pink screen with no image (though the zoom and pan controls appear). Often, they can simply close the dialog in which the map appears and re-open it, and it then works. Rarely, they have to shut down the entire browser and reconnect entirely.
It vaguely seems like this did not happen whilst prototyping with the WorklMapKitWmsWebOverlay, but instead started occurring once we switched to the OsmWorldMapKitLayer.
Any ideas on what could be causing this? Unfortunately, I do not yet have a scenario which reliably reproduces this; I’m kind of grasping at any straws to figure this out.
Pink screen o' death
Hi Jay,
Do you means the whole map shows one pink image, or it shows mulitply pink images for each tile?
If you met this again, please right click on pink image, and copy the url link then tried to open that in another browser tab. I want to know which layer shows the pink so we can help you find the issue.
I think sometimes the remote server not response will cause this issue.
And please try to set DrawingExceptionMode equal DrawingExceptionMode.DrawException to see what’s the inner exception.
The whole map shows one pink image, as below. I’ll set the exception mode to see what that reveals.
Hi Jay,
It looks that’s one of our layer hadn’t get response from remote server.
Have you tried to get the url by right click on the pink image?
Please paste your copied link here so I can know which layer met issue.