The alignment logic is in the PositionStyle which is the parent of the TextStyle. If you do not use either of those two styles as the base you will need to do it yourself. To help you along I have created a self contained style that encapsulates the alignment logic. You should be able to quickly incorporate it into your own style. Let me know if you have any questions.
public class PlacementStyle : Style
private GeoFont font;
private Single xOffsetInPixel;
private PointPlacement pointPlacement;
private GeoSolidBrush geoSolidBrush;
private string textColumn;
public PlacementStyle()
: base()
geoSolidBrush = new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.StandardColors.Black);
xOffsetInPixel = 0;
yOffsetInPixel = 0;
pointPlacement = PointPlacement.Center;
font = new GeoFont("Arial", 15);
textColumn = string.Empty;
public string TextColumn
get { return textColumn; }
set { textColumn = value; }
public GeoSolidBrush FillSolidBrush
get { return geoSolidBrush; }
set { geoSolidBrush = value; }
public Single XOffsetInPixel
get { return xOffsetInPixel; }
set { xOffsetInPixel = value; }
private Single yOffsetInPixel;
public Single YOffsetInPixel
get { return yOffsetInPixel; }
set { yOffsetInPixel = value; }
public PointPlacement PointPlacement
get { return pointPlacement; }
set { pointPlacement = value; }
public GeoFont Font
get { return font; }
set { font = value; }
protected override void DrawCore(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Feature> features, GeoCanvas canvas, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers)
foreach (Feature feature in features)
if (feature.GetWellKnownType() == WellKnownType.Point)
ScreenPointF point = ExtentHelper.ToScreenCoordinate(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent, (PointShape)feature.GetShape(), canvas.Width, canvas.Height);
DrawingRectangleF size = canvas.MeasureText(feature.ColumnValues[textColumn], font);
double width = size.Width;
double height = size.Height;
PointShape upperLeftPoint = new PointShape(point.X + xOffsetInPixel * (canvas.Dpi / 96.0), point.Y - yOffsetInPixel * (canvas.Dpi / 96.0));
upperLeftPoint = GetNewUpperLeftPointByPlacement(upperLeftPoint, width, height, pointPlacement);
canvas.DrawTextWithScreenCoordinate(feature.ColumnValues[textColumn], font, geoSolidBrush, (float)upperLeftPoint.X, (float)upperLeftPoint.Y, DrawingLevel.LabelLevel);
private static PointShape GetNewUpperLeftPointByPlacement(PointShape upperLeftPoint, double width, double height, PointPlacement placementOfPoint)
double upperLeftPointX = upperLeftPoint.X;
double upperLeftPointY = upperLeftPoint.Y;
PointShape newUpperLeftPoint = null;
switch (placementOfPoint)
case PointPlacement.UpperRight:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX, upperLeftPointY - height);
case PointPlacement.CenterRight:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX, upperLeftPointY - height * 0.5);
case PointPlacement.LowerRight:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX, upperLeftPointY);
case PointPlacement.UpperLeft:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width, upperLeftPointY - height);
case PointPlacement.CenterLeft:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width, upperLeftPointY - height * 0.5);
case PointPlacement.LowerLeft:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width, upperLeftPointY);
case PointPlacement.UpperCenter:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width * 0.5, upperLeftPointY - height);
case PointPlacement.Center:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width * 0.5, upperLeftPointY - height * 0.5);
case PointPlacement.LowerCenter:
newUpperLeftPoint = new PointShape(upperLeftPointX - width * 0.5, upperLeftPointY);
return newUpperLeftPoint;
protected override Collection<string> GetRequiredColumnNamesCore()
Collection<string> requiredColumns = base.GetRequiredColumnNamesCore();
return requiredColumns;