Our product needs to plot wind probabilities on a map, and we have been playing with IsoLines to do that. However, I'm not convinced that IsoLines is the best product to get this done. What other components of MapSuite might be suited for this task? Our data consists of lat/lon points, and the wind probability percentage, in CSV form.
Here is an example of what the resulting map would look like:
One other thing: In using IsoLines to do this plotting, I cannot seem to get the rings to fill in. I'm using the following code, but only to outline rings display:
For i As Integer = 0 To colors.Count - 2
Dim style As New LineStyle(New GeoPen(colors(i + 1), 3))
Dim areaSty As New AreaStyle(New GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.StandardColors.Blue))
Dim styles As New ObjectModel.Collection(Of Core.Style)
classBreakLineStyle.ClassBreaks.Add(New ClassBreak(isoLineLevels(i), styles))