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Possible Bug in GetArea


when I try to call AreaBaseShape.GetArea(…) with perfectly valid parameters and on a valid polygon shape I get an ArgumentNullException deep down. See the following Stacktrace:

Exception:	System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindValue(TKey key)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.KeyCollection.Contains(TKey item)
   at ThinkGeo.Core.Projection.nRo=(String proj4ProjectionParameters)
   at ThinkGeo.Core.Projection.GetLocalUtmZoneProjString(BaseShape shape, String projString)
   at ThinkGeo.Core.Projection.GetLocalUtmZoneProjString(BaseShape shape, Projection projection)
   at ThinkGeo.Core.AreaBaseShape.GetAreaCore(Projection shapeProjection, AreaUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode)
   at ThinkGeo.Core.AreaBaseShape.GetArea(Projection shapeProjection, AreaUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode)

This does not seem right for this code where area is a valid shape:

Projection projection25832 = new Projection(25832);
result = area.GetArea(projection25832, AreaUnit.SquareMeters, DistanceCalculationMode.Default);

I’m using ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf version 14.3.0-beta015.
Thank you for your help.


Hi Peter,

Thanks for letting us know! It’s a bug and has been fixed in 14.3.0-beta017.


Now it works again.
Thank you, Ben.

Sure, glad it works.