(ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf 12.1.3, ThinkGeo.PostgreSql 12.1.3)
When I try to show a layer that has uppercase column names:
var layer = new PostgreSqlFeatureLayer("Host=localhost;Username=postgres", "mm_tr_sm", "MI_PRINX", 28992, "testprj", "GEOLOC");
then I get just an error message in the map:
The server’s log shows that the feature ID column name is not quoted:
ERROR: column "mi_prinx" does not exist at character 42 STATEMENT: select st_asbinary("GEOLOC") as "GEOLOC",MI_PRINX from "testprj"."mm_tr_sm" where ST_GeomFromWKB($1,28992) && "GEOLOC"
If I try to add quotes to the string, the map display itself works, but other functions that do quote correctly blow up:
var layer = new PostgreSqlFeatureLayer("Host=localhost;Username=postgres", "mm_tr_sm", "\"MI_PRINX\"", 28992, "testprj", "GEOLOC"); layer.Open(); layer.FeatureSource.GetBoundingBoxById("1");
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """" at character 85 STATEMENT: select st_asbinary("GEOLOC") as "GEOLOC","MI_PRINX" from "testprj"."mm_tr_sm" where ""MI_PRINX"" in ('1')