We have multiple data sets with over 100,000 geocoded points (lat, lng pair). Each point has a set of information including status, date etc.
We would like to display these information as a density/heat map. For instance, there will be various selection points above the map and when the user checks one particular criteria the corresponding dataset should be displayed on the map.
With smaller data sets we can achieve this by loading the data dynamically, but since the data that we are looking is huge and can grow over time we are looking at pre generating these as tiles and display them as tranparent overlays on top of the map.
One possible solution we are looking at,
- Divide the area on the map (can be entire USA or one state or multiple states etc...) into grids.
- Calculate the the number of objects falling within each square grid.
- For each grid, generate a transparent PNG with different colors.
- Overlay this images on the map.
Also please let us know if there are any other possible solutions.