I do not fully understand what is the preview tile cache and how to make it works. Can you send me an example or explain it to me? I use MapSuite 10 for winforms.
Preview Tile cache
Hi Mario,
I think I understand what’s your means about the smooth in the other topic.
As below is the sample code about how to use PreviewTileCache:
winformsMap1.ThreadingMode = MapThreadingMode.Multithreaded;
FileBitmapTileCache cache = new FileBitmapTileCache("YourCacheFolder", "world");
WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay worldOverlay = new WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay();
worldOverlay.PreviewTileCache = cache;
Wish that’s helpful.
You use WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay. Does Preview tile cache work with LayerOverlay and OpenStreetMapOverlay too?
Hi Mario,
It works for Overlay, please don’t forget set the ThreadingMode to Multithreaded.