I am working on the printing of my Map Suite desktop application.
I am using PrinterGeoCanvas, PdfGeoCanvas and GdiPlusGeoCanvas.
The last one works fine but i have problems with PrinterGeoCanvas and PdfGeoCanvas.
1. When I draw a layers on PrinterGeoCanvas or PdfGeoCanvas they appear in the wrong order on the printed document.
Layer drawn as the last is covered by another layers that were drawn before.
Calling of GeoCanvas.Flush() method (after drawing each layer) does not work.
For PdfGeoCanvas after drawing each layer I am calling EndDrawing() method which solves that problem.
But for PrinterGeoCanvas calling EndDrawing() method begins the process of printing, therefore such a solution is not possible.
The layers are to be printed in the following order:
- City_contour
- City_water_regions
- City_green_regions
- City_streets
- Routing_Layer
On the printed document layers are in the following order:
- City_contour
- City_water_regions
- City_green_regions
- Routing_Layer !!!
- City_streets
2. The second problem is that the icons of routing layer (start point, end point, stop points) are drawn at the wrong scale,
and a labels on stop points icons are displaced with respect to the icons.
Is there any way to solve these problems ? Thank you.