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Projection implementation of 2.5D functionality


I am exploring the possibility of using ThinkGeo for map visualization in a MAUI application designed for vehicle drivers (e.g., car or ambulance drivers). Given the limited display size, it would be beneficial to implement a 2.5D-style visualization, where the map prioritizes displaying more details in the forward direction.

Currently, the map component applies a transformation involving three steps:

  1. Translating/centering the map on the vehicle’s current location.
  2. Rotating the map to align with the vehicle’s current direction.
  3. Scale/transform the map into 2.5D

How is the expected complexity to implement a 2.5D visualization ?
Best regards,
Gunnar Gisleberg
Locus Solutions AS

Hi Gunnar,

We just added this beta feature to the HowDoI sample beta branch:

  1. Here is a quick demo see what it looks like. It is running on the emulators on MacOS using JetBrains Rider, (no sound)
  2. Everything is still in Beta, there are known issues and the APIs might be changed. Here Just want to give you an idea what it would look like.
  3. The full release should be available in v14.3.

Have a try and let us know what you think about it.


It appears to be quite promising!
Our primary interest is an applicatin running on window10/11 - i am very interested in testing the functionality and performance when its ready on Windows.

I have downloaded the sample beta branch and its running ok on windows- verfy nice.

  • to avoid exception on string to float i had to hardcode the cultureinfor in code to:
    CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(“en-US”);

The response is not always 100% smooth - I guess som adjustments must be made due to the processing required to render 2.5D

Sure, we are actively on it, you should see the improvements in the coming beta versions.

I look forward to testing the next versions

We will for sure talk about it in our blog. Please keep an eye on it.