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Projection Issue regarding points

I have one point layer.And i render that layer using below projection as given in Sample. It is located correctly.Below are points and projection.
Latitude: 17.89066966 Longitude: 74.74236948
Proj4Projection proj4 = new Proj4Projection(4326, 3857);
PointShape pointShape = (PointShape)proj4.ConvertToExternalProjection(new PointShape(74.74236948,17.89066966));
Now i am plotting user defined points on google map.So I get e.Position.X,e.Position.Y points.
My point is: e.Position.X: 8319149.5 , e.Position.Y: 2025495.25
But when i show these points using above projection on map, the points are not displayed on map.
How do i convert above points in Latitude n longitude format?
How do i show this point on map?


Thanks Mouni,
Google map using 3857 projection which is meter unit. The way you using to convert the coordinate is correct. If you want to put the decimal degree to the google map. You need convert it to the 3857 first. Then add it to the map. Could you attach your sample code/project here which could help me understand the issue.



Hi Frank4,
I converted points to 3857.And it worked.
Thank you for your reply.


Thanks Mouni,
Good to know that. Let us know if you have any more question.

