I have a LineStyle I created to display lines with images for endpoints. The issue I am having is that no matter what order I draw them, the images always appear beneath the line. Is there any way to force the images to appear on top of the line?
The code I am using is:
public class ImageEndpointLineStyle : LineStyle
private LineStyle _lineStyle;
private GeoImage _firstPointImage;
private GeoImage _lastPointImage;
public ImageEndpointLineStyle(LineStyle lineStyle, GeoImage firstPointImage, GeoImage lastPointImage)
_lineStyle = (LineStyle)lineStyle.CloneDeep();
_firstPointImage = firstPointImage;
_lastPointImage = lastPointImage;
protected override void DrawCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features, GeoCanvas canvas, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers)
List<BaseShape> lineShapesToDraw = new List<BaseShape>();
BaseShape firstPoint = null;
BaseShape lastPoint = null;
foreach (Feature feature in features)
BaseShape shape = feature.GetShape();
if (shape is LineShape)
LineShape line = (LineShape)shape;
firstPoint = new PointShape(line.Vertices[0]);
lastPoint = new PointShape(line.Vertices[line.Vertices.Count - 1]);
new PointStyle(_firstPointImage).Draw(new BaseShape[] { firstPoint }, canvas, labelsInThisLayer, labelsInAllLayers);
new PointStyle(_lastPointImage).Draw(new BaseShape[] { lastPoint }, canvas, labelsInThisLayer, labelsInAllLayers);
_lineStyle.Draw(lineShapesToDraw, canvas, labelsInThisLayer, labelsInAllLayers);