I have a function that returns all features within a certain radius of a map click. My data is in WGS84 and I have been using ThinkGeo's world map kit for a basemap. I've recently implemented the ability to switch the basemap to Google. Using projections the data appears on the map just fine. However, I no longer get any features returned from my map click function. I've attempted to convert the map click into WGS84,which did nothing. I've also tried changing the QueryTools.GetFeaturesWithinDIstanceOf to reflect the current mapunit (in this case meters). Still no features are returned.
This is the querytools call:
clickedFeatures = (clickedFeatures.Count == 0) ?
this.QueryTools.GetFeaturesWithinDistanceOf(worldLoc, mapUnit, DistanceUnit.Meter, searchRadius, ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns)
: clickedFeatures;
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?