I have few questions about the options of textstyle in a polygon
When I zoom in or zoom out, the label of a polygon has the same fontsize, so the display is not pretty.
There is a lot of options of display with Textstyle as AlllowLineCarriage, DrawingLevel, FittinglineInscreen, gridsize, etc
When I test them, I don’t see any difference …
For example, when I set FittingLineInScreen =true , i don’t see the difference if I set to false ;-(
Can you explain all these options, please ?
AllowLineCarriage = ?
BestPlacement = OK, but what is the rules according to the shape of the polygon ?
DrawingLevel = ?
DuplicateRule = ?
Filters = ?
FittingLineInScreen = ?
FittingPolygon = OK but if i zoom out, the text overflows the polygon
FittingPolygonFactor = ?
FittingPolygonInScreen = OK
ForceHorizontalLabelForLine = OK
ForceLineCarriage = ?
GridSize = What is the value of gridsize (1 or 100 or 500) ?
LabelAllLineParts = ?
LabelAllPolygonParts = ?
OverlappingRule = OK
PolygonLabelingLocationMode = OK
SuppressPartialLabels = OK
TextLineSegmentRatio = ?
PointPlacement = OK mais I don’t see any difference between PointPlacement.LowerLeft or PointPlacement.UpperLeft
SplineType = ?
Advanced = ?
Using textstyle has an effect on the display performance ?
What are your tips for not having performance problems ?
There is an example "Scaling TextStyle for Polygon " Is that using the same system has an impact in terms of display performance ?(panning, zooming, etc …)
Thanks for your help.