We are planning to switch our base maps to WorldMapKit 2009 and I had a couple questions / issues that I am seeking answers for.
1. From looking at the DVD that we have received, it seems that we are missing ??lkaA30.shp files from \USA\TLKA\?? from those directories. Were those files omitted intentionally or is it a mistake? The demo code included with the WorldMapKit 2009 is referencing that information.
2. .midx files are not there any more. I saw a number of comments that mentioned that for 2009 version, ThinkGeo moved away from single .midx index files. This actually present a number of performance issues for us. We are using WorldMapKit to serve WMS tiles - so we need to render multiple images to display enough information for a single page. In the previous version of WorldMapKit, the number of files was reasonable since street networks and such ended it up in a MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer. With the current version, individual files are added instead - to a total of 400+ files in the collection - that alone slows everything down when we need to render the information as we going through the layers one by one: the code currently looks similar to this:
foreach (var geoLayer in layersToRender)
lock (geoLayer)
gdiPlusGeoCanvas.BeginDrawing(nativeImage, parameter.BoundingBox, GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree);
geoLayer.Draw(gdiPlusGeoCanvas, labelsInAllLayers);
We have tried a number of approaches to get around this problem. As it stands, MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer would have still worked if it was not for the directory structure change - since individual street files moved into State specific subdirectories, there is no easy way to specify a collection to load. Another approach is to use MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer(string[] multipleShapeFiles, string[] multipleShapeFileIndexes) override; however this requires .midx files to be present. I wrote a small program to generate the missing .midx files and used the later version of MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer function and ended up with something that performs reasonably well (something comparable to WorldMapKit 2007 and way faster that WorldMapKit 2009).
Can you comment on this case: are there plans to bring .midx files back?