I am looking at the example of exporting map as image and pdf, and have two questions:
The documents are REALLY bad! basically no document. help pls!
- In the function SetupMapWithBlankPage(), why do we need to set up a PrinterZoomLevleSet to Map? I already have a customized ZoomLevelSet. Does it overwrite my map configuration?
- the code is Map1.ZoomLevelSet = new PrinterZoomLevelSet(Map1.MapUnit, PrinterHelper.GetPointsPerGeographyUnit(Map1.MapUnit))
- Does this function require map unit to be in feet or meters? I see in the function AddMapLayer(), the codes re-project the worldMapLayer from DecimalDegree to meter. Is this just for Printing? The codes are like:
ShapeFileFeatureLayer worldMapLayer = new ShapeFileFeatureLayer(MapPath(@"~\SampleData\Countries02.shp"));
worldMapLayer.FeatureSource.Projection = new Proj4Projection(Proj4Projection.GetDecimalDegreesParametersString(), Proj4Projection.GetGoogleMapParametersString());