I have a client who wishes to have their raster images made available through a web interface.
I am looking to utilize Mapserver for the map development in the website but am concerned about the performance of the raster images.
Their images can be quite large ( 80mb+) and there are quite a few of them ( 100’s). I assume I need to process these into tiles or an image pyramid.
I would like to keep using ThinkGeo components for this. Can you please tell me the components you recommend and the steps that would be necessary to prep and serve the data.
I assume using WMS Server to serve to the MVC Edition.
How about splitting/ pryamiding/ pre-processing the rasters? Do you have any tools, what would you recommend.
Raster image management
Hi Murray,
Thanks for your post, I agree with you, to use WMS server and MVC could be the optimal choice, and we do have a tool called "MapSuite Tile Cahce Generator"(thinkgeo.com/forums/MapSuite/tabid/143/aft/10446/Default.aspx) to pre generage the tiles, actually out maps.thinggeo.com is based on WMS server and could be for your information.More information about WMS server, here is a very detail information about WMSServer, would you please check it:thinkgeo.com/servers/wms-edition/
Best Regards
Hi Summer
Yes WMSServer does appear to maybe be what I want. However all of its documentation talks about making tiles and sending them out from what I assume is standard shape files, feature layers, etc.
Those pages ( unless I missed it) do not specifically talk about raster images. If you have a large image ie 100’s mb’s does WMBServer split that into smaller tiles? Or Does the cache generator do this? Have you seen it do this or can it only theoretically do this?
Basically I just need to know if I need to pre-process the raster images into little blocks or will wms server do this for me.
I have to understand how it will work before I commit to implementing it for the client.
Hi Summer
I am still hoping you can give me more information on this. Pointing me to a marketing page I have of course already read isn’t quite enough.
Since ThinkGeo don’t seem to believe in developer documentation just random examples, the main resource is the forum. So sorry if I seem to be asking simple questions but I need to find answers to this before I can purchase your products and tell the client it is possible.
Pre-generating tiles base on your data allows you to display the data faster than rending it from vector graphics files.
This quote is from your wiki. As you can see the tile generator says it is for vector layers not for rasters.
What is thinkgeo’s preferred method of serving large amounts of image files? Or should I be looking for a different product
Thanks for you time
Hi Murray,
Thanks for your query and sorry for the inconvenience, please correct me if I am wrong, is you main confusion weather the raster caches could be preCached? if yes, then, actually, the "TileCacheGenerator" could be generate tiles for raster image too, here is a sample video for it: screencast.com/t/rnRE8FvEk4eB , the only amendment is to change the layer in "GetLayersToCache()" in "LayerProvider.cs" in "CacheGenerator". After creating these caches, wmsserver could use mapConfiguration.TileCache to use these precached caches to improve the server response performance.
if you have any more question , please feel free to let us know.
Best Regards
Hi Summer
That answers my queries.
I see from your screencast that you can generate tiles for each zoom layer. Which would serve to break up the file well.
Thanks for your answer
Hi Murray,
You’re always welcome, if you have any more question, please feel free to let us know.
Best Regards