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Re-project and rotate map


In reading through the forum I see that there is a RotationProjection that can be used to rotate map layers, which we would like to do. However I don’t see a way to project the layer from one coordinate system to another and then apply rotation. It appears one can only use one projection, either the Proj4Projection or the RotationProjection.

Can this be done easily?



Hey @Steven1,

If I recall, you are still on MapSuite 10. Unfortunately, rotating the map is a little complicated in that version. The only way would be to apply a RotationProjection to each of the layers. This means that if you also need to do other projections, it is not compatible.

I don’t know if this is within the scope of your update, but if you upgrade to the latest ThinkGeo v13, you can rotate the map simply by calling mapView.RotatedAngle = 90; or by holding down the Alt key and click and drag. Depending on how complex your map is, upgrading to v13 might take some time as we have switched rendering engines from System.Drawing to SkiaSharp and some of our APIs have changed as a result. You can see our blog post on the summary of API changes on this blog post.. Although it is written for v12, the differences between v13 is very minimal as it’s more of up a feature update.
