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Red X's showing up in some areas at zoom 16+

I just noticed that some areas are showing red Xs with a rose background when I get to zoom level 16 and above. I noticed this around the Richmond, VA area. Other areas are not showing this…

Is this supposed to indicate something? This center in the image is {-77.415072398756,37.507301225696,0].

Hi Jay,

This should because some special layer, you hadn’t set its style correct.

I test this coordinate in your sample from other topic, but I hadn’t reproduced that, could you please paste some code for it?



Hi Don. I’m trying to replicate the issue in a small test case, but am not having much luck. It does use a class break style, but the area shown is all within the same class break, so I’m not sure why some of it would have the Xs and some not.

I do have DrawingExceptionMode set to DrawException, but clearly nothing is being drawn.

I’m not doing anything too complex, basically three class breaks with values and an area style. The class break style is set on an in-memory feature layer applied to zoom level 20 and added to the base overlay layers.

Any wild guesses as to what I might be doing wrong?

Hi Jay,

That should because when render this layer, it met some inner exception I think.

If you hadn’t catch any exception, you can try to comment unnecessary layer from your project, then make sure which layer cause this issue. If you can make sure the inmemory layer is the reason, please try to reduce the feature number in it.

I can only guess that’s because you assign class break style, but some feature don’t contains the column value which your style required.



It appears to be an issue solely with the SDK. I’ve removed all the styles and have a small project that recreates the issue. This is using WorldMapKit-4326-20151011-641421321.sqlite,

You will need to update the path in the HomeController to point to your sqlite file.If you run the project and zoom one more level, you should see the Xs. (2.3 MB)

Hi Jay,

It looks I hadn’t succeed reproduce your issue.

I think that’s maybe because some icons missed in your setup, please try to unzip the icons folder and put it under your debug folder to see whether that still works.

If this still cannot solved your issue, please let us know your dll version.

And I think upgrade your dll version and data version to the latest can fix this bug also.



Hi Don. I assume by “under your debug folder”, you meant under obj/Debug. I unzipped it there so I had obj/Debug/Icons containing the icons, and that didn’t fix the issue.

I’m using MvcEdition.dll I checked Product Center and is is saying Not Available for the production build; same thing in the online customer portal, none show up.

Can you send me a download location for the SDK ?

Hi Jay,

In fact I means “bin/Debug”, and you can download the latest package here:



Hi Don. I tried putting Icons under bin/Debug as well as just bin, and that didn’t help. I also tried the new MVC edition DLLs and that didn’t help either.

Perhaps a new version of OsmWorldMapKitLayer.dll is required? I’m using of that.

Hi Jay,

We tested both the development edition and product edition, both of them hadn’t reproduced this issue now.

And as below is the latest version of OsmWorldMapKitLayer.dll:

BTW, if your bin folder don’t contains a Debug folder for MVC edition, please just directly put the image folder under bin folder.



Hi Don. I tried with the updated version of OsmWorldMapKitLayer.dll and it still happens for me. I assume it is a problem with the SDK because when I try the online version, it doesn’t happen (the false branch in the sample project).

I understand you can’t recreate the issue. Is there anything else on my end I can look at or debug flags I could turn on that might reveal what’s going on?

Hi Jay,

I was unable to recreate this issue too. Please make sure that you can recreate this issue with the sample “” attached before.

From the screenshot it seems that the Red X is drawn in the image. please try following code to throw the exception instead of drawing exception, so we can get the exception’s detail.

LayerOverlay overlay = new LayerOverlay();
overlay.IsBaseOverlay = true;
string connectionString = $@"Data Source = {datapath};Version=3;Read Only=True;";
OsmWorldMapKitLayer osmWorldMapKitLayer = new OsmWorldMapKitLayer(connectionString, OsmWorldMapKitDatabaseType.Sqlite);
// osmWorldMapKitLayer.DrawingExceptionMode = DrawingExceptionMode.DrawException;

Besides, could you please append more testing information here? Such as, OS, how to recreate the issue.


Hii Peter. That helped! Now I can see the exception (which is odd, commenting out the DrawException setting made it draw the exception?). So it looks like it wants the Icons directory to be directly under the package directory rather than under the bin directory?

Is this pointing to an overall set up issue on my part? Does this Icons directory need to bundled in with every project or somehow hang off of where the WorldMapKit.sqlite file is?

Hmm, the image upload doesn’t seem to show in the forum, but the exception says, "Could not find a part of the path “D:\downloads\heatmap\ThinkGeo Samples\StyleBug\StyleBug\Icons\highwayoneway_16.png”.

The img src is “/uploads/default/original/3X/d/7/d7866ba85ae60835c72a0056ba63d4bdcf533c1a.PNG”
if you can look at it manually on your end.

Hi Jay,

Please check the replies.

For some layer the exception message is be filter by the base layer.(Red X instead of message), in this case, we need to throw the exception instead of drawing exception to get the exception details.

Yes, you need to put the missed icons to the target directory. I check the code and it’s very odd that the there are may icons here with Content in the SDK assembly, I don’t why the icon “highwayoneway_16.png” is not here(but the build action is content too).


Hi Peter. Are you saying that these icons should be included in one of the DLLs?

Hi Jay,

I mean these icons should be included in WorldMapKit SDK, I checked the source code and found all of them are built as Content. But I don’t know why same icons such as “highwayoneway_16.png” are not here. One option for now is to copy the icons which are missed to the target directory.


Well, here’s something weird. Looks like I had this problem before and getting the then latest production version fixed it. I wonder why it would have resurfaced, and why the latest production version doesn’t fix it now?

Hi Jay,

I’m not sure whether it comes from a later upgrade, as after the date you mentioned “Before”, we did several upgrades, anyway, we will do a double-check and let me know if it doesn’t work for you.
