Hi Jay,
I was unable to recreate this issue too. Please make sure that you can recreate this issue with the sample “StyleBug.zip” attached before.
From the screenshot it seems that the Red X is drawn in the image. please try following code to throw the exception instead of drawing exception, so we can get the exception’s detail.
LayerOverlay overlay = new LayerOverlay();
overlay.IsBaseOverlay = true;
string connectionString = $@"Data Source = {datapath};Version=3;Read Only=True;";
OsmWorldMapKitLayer osmWorldMapKitLayer = new OsmWorldMapKitLayer(connectionString, OsmWorldMapKitDatabaseType.Sqlite);
// osmWorldMapKitLayer.DrawingExceptionMode = DrawingExceptionMode.DrawException;
Besides, could you please append more testing information here? Such as, OS, how to recreate the issue.