Hi Val,
Now I have another problem.
I am pre-generating tiles using following code.
Following code does work with regular ZoomLevelSet but when I’m switching to GoogleMapZoomLevelSet it generates tiles with wrong row number.
public static readonly RectangleShape MaxExtentForWrappingDateline = new RectangleShape(-400767557376, 20026376, 400767557376, -20026376);
public static void Generate(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet, FeatureLayer shapeFileFeatureLayer, GeographyUnit mapUnit, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, string cacheDirectory, string cacheId)
Collection<ZoomLevel> zoomLevels = GetAllZoomLevels(zoomLevelSet);
foreach (ZoomLevel zoomLevel in zoomLevels)
MapSuiteTileMatrix matrix = new MapSuiteTileMatrix(zoomLevel.Scale, tileWidth, tileHeight, mapUnit, MaxExtentForWrappingDateline);
// we need sync the max extent as the sample code we set.
matrix.BoundingBox = MaxExtentForWrappingDateline;
Collection<TileMatrixCell> cells = matrix.GetIntersectingCells(shapeFileFeatureLayer.GetBoundingBox());
// create a tile cache object with the cache directory and cache id.
FileBitmapTileCache tileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache(cacheDirectory, cacheId, TileImageFormat.Png, matrix);
foreach (TileMatrixCell cell in cells)
// create a bitmap whoes size equals to the tile size.
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(tileWidth, tileHeight))
// create a GeoCanvas which for drawing the passed layers.
GdiPlusGeoCanvas geoCanvas = new GdiPlusGeoCanvas();
geoCanvas.BeginDrawing(bitmap, cell.BoundingBox, mapUnit);
GeoCollection<SimpleCandidate> candidates = new GeoCollection<SimpleCandidate>();
lock (shapeFileFeatureLayer)
if (!shapeFileFeatureLayer.IsOpen) { shapeFileFeatureLayer.Open(); }
shapeFileFeatureLayer.Draw(geoCanvas, candidates);
// you can commend this line out because it's just for mark a cache label in order to see if it works with our samples.
geoCanvas.DrawText("Cache", new GeoFont("Arial", 12), new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.SimpleColors.Black), new Collection<ScreenPointF>() { new ScreenPointF(128f, 128f) }, DrawingLevel.LabelLevel);
// create tile object to maintain current tile information.
BitmapTile tile = new BitmapTile(bitmap, cell.BoundingBox, zoomLevel.Scale);
private static Collection<ZoomLevel> GetAllZoomLevels(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet)
zoomLevelSet = new GoogleMapZoomLevelSet();
Collection<ZoomLevel> resultZoomLevels = new Collection<ZoomLevel>();
return resultZoomLevels;