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Road level details for Google Maps Platform

Hi Team,

We are using google map overlay to render map using thinkgeo in Maui application. Google announced Road level details for map platform which will provide more details at zoom 17+ which will be available by May 2025. I just want to confirm if we need to do any changes at our side and if there are any custom styling applied from think geo while loading maps. Google has suggested to handle any custom styling applied zoom levels 17+

What you need to do

Road Level Details

If you have customized the style of your map , we recommend you make changes to your current styles for zoom levels 17+ with Cloud based map styling or JSON styling. New feature types at these levels include more accurate representations of roads using polygons rather than polylines, and surrounding features such as sidewalks.


Hi Patrick,

We are using static google map images through Google Maps static API, which means you don’t need to make any changes on the client side unless their API changes (I doubted though). You might want to change the Map’s MinScale to allow the map zooming in closer and get more detailed images from google. and make sure other overlays on top of google background work fine with lower zoomlevels. And that should be it.
