I'd like to use the services edition in a WCF web service to deliver a combined Google / Virtual Earth map along with our own shape data to our client applications. I'd like to set these up in a similar way to our you set up your sample web service for version 2.0. So we'd have the web service using the services edition delivering maps to our client consumer which would have the web edition running.
So my questions are. Can we do this in the same way with version 3.1? If so how would this work with your new UI controls? We'd like to use the UI controls such as the zoom bar, pan controls, shape creation and editing in particular. So all these would work on the web edition version and send the result up to the service etc.
Is this likely to work in this way? Is all this possible?
Finally are you expecting to do a sample for this kind of thing (I'd have thought a lot of people would want to do this now for scalability etc. If not any can you give me any guidelines to creating our own prototype doing this? Obviosuly we'd also need you to add in the Virtual Earth support in the services edition - which I'm hoping is very soon?