Hi Manam,
Map.CurrentExtent means which area on the earth will be displayed by map control, if Map.CurrentExtent is set to equal America’s boundingbox then the mapcontrol will display USA, if Map.CurrentExtent is set to equal Austrilia’s boundingbox then the mapcontrol will display Austrilia.
Normally, if the data source is jpg/tiff/ecw, there also should be the corresponding coordinates file accomplish with them, for example, .Jpg should have .jgw file, .tiff should have .tfw , and ecw should have .eww for coordinates. Also you can try the following code to get its boundingBox:
private void LoadAGeoTiffImage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
GeoTiffRasterLayer tiffLayer = new GeoTiffRasterLayer(YourTiffImagePath);
tiffLayer.UpperThreshold = double.MaxValue;
tiffLayer.LowerThreshold = 0;
tiffLayer.IsGrayscale = false;
winformsMap1.CurrentExtent = tiffLayer.GetBoundingBox();
Thanks and hope it helps.