Hi, Steven
World Map Kit Server validates desktop application users with a Client ID and a signature associates with it. At the server side, you may have noticed that there are two .txt files contained in the App_Data folder, Domains.txt and UserClients.txt. If you’re going to provide map service to desktop applications, to access to World Map Kit Server, the client application is supposed to provide a ClientId and a signature generated from a PrivateKey associated with this ID and other information in the WMS request. World Map Kit Server will check every GETMAP request to see whether the Client ID and Private Key is valid by generating the signature in the same way the client application generated it, if the signature equals the one comes from client request, it suggests the request comes from a valid client, otherwise, this maybe an invalid request and the server will ignore the request.
As for the format of Client ID, it can be a name, a GUID, a natural number or something else without the special character ‘\t’ which is used as a splitter by the UserClients.txt, and the UserClient.txt is formatted with a single pair of ClientId and PrivateKey on each line. Below is an example of how UserClients.txt is formatted.
Client1 asdf1234
Client2 12345678
“Client1” here is a ClientId and it is associated with the PrivateKey “asdf1234”, and on the second line, it’s another ClientId with its PrivateKey.
As you can see, to apply this functionality doesn’t require any additional code on World Map Kit Server, just a few configuration steps are needed, and at the client application side, you only have to add to request parameters in the URL of GETMAP request, ClientId and Signature.
If you have any question in how to generate the signature for validation, you can contact our support to get the code of the encryption algorithm.
Any further questions please let us know.