when I work with MapPrinterLayer and Add TextStyle to ShapeFileFeatureLayer, I see text position is not correct and by zoom-in-out it changes, while MapView does not have any problem like this. I think it’s because of x-offset. if I set x-offset=0, everything is fine for me. Is it something that I have forgotten to configure?
Shape labels position in MapPrinterLayer
Thanks Mahdi,
Could provide us a sample project for this one. This could be very helpful for us to look into more detail.
As I said before when xOffset=0, everything works fine in MapPrinterLayer.
var textStyle = TextStyle.CreateSimpleTextStyle("TrapSite", "Verdana", 8, DrawingFontStyles.Bold,
GeoColors.Black, GeoColors.White, 2, xOffset: 0, 2);
textStyle.Alignment = DrawingTextAlignment.Center;
but if xOffset != 0 the offset change by zoom level change
Level 8:
Level 12:
Level 15:
You can see the offset change during the zoom level change.
Hi Mahdi_Rastegari,
We are working on it and will keep you updated.
Hi Mahdi_Rastegari,
We have fixed the issue in ThinkGeo.Printers version 13.0.0-beta197, and the package will be available to download in NuGet tomorrow morning.