I have a large shapefile with polygons, 200MB with around 600,000 entries and I can not get any results to be displayed. At first I thought it was still loading, but I've left it overnight and nothing was displayed. Here is the code I am using...
Map1.MapBackground.BackgroundBrush = New GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.FromHtml("#E5E3DF"))
Map1.CurrentExtent = New RectangleShape(-12481012.91026, 3958451.87724, -12478170.40996, 3956216.09549)
Map1.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.Meter
Map1.MapTools.OverlaySwitcher.Enabled = True
Map1.MapTools.MouseCoordinate.Enabled = True
Dim bingMapsOverlay As New BingMapsOverlay("BingMaps Map", BingMapsStyle.Hybrid, "bingKey")
Dim parcelBoundary As ShapeFileFeatureLayer = New ShapeFileFeatureLayer("D:\Book100\Book100.shp")
parcelBoundary.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle = AreaStyles.CreateSimpleAreaStyle(GeoColor.SimpleColors.Transparent, GeoColor.FromArgb(100, GeoColor.SimpleColors.BrightYellow))
parcelBoundary.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20
Dim proj4 As New Proj4Projection() 'not sure if this section is needed
proj4.InternalProjectionParametersString = Proj4Projection.GetEpsgParametersString(4326)
proj4.ExternalProjectionParametersString = Proj4Projection.GetGoogleMapParametersString()
parcelBoundary.FeatureSource.Projection = proj4
Dim staticOverlay As New LayerOverlay("Parcel Boundary", False, TileType.MultipleTile)
staticOverlay.Layers.Add("ParcelBoundary", parcelBoundary)
I tried to stream the file as well but I got a divide by zero error. Also, this is the first of 4 files that I need to load and they are all similiar sizes. Is there a better way to handle displaying the results? I do have access to SQL Server 2008 R2, but I haven't played around with the spatial data much.