MapSuite Team,
MapSuite V10 is acting differently than V9 in getting a collection of columns names and their corresponding data types.
Under V9 the following code would return System.Data.Data Table, which would contain a collection of all columns names and their data types. When doing this under V10 it returns the same collection, but all data types are specified as string, when in fact some of them should be double. I attempted using GeoDataTable, but the collection returned only contains the column name and nothing else. Why was this behavior changed from V9 to V10?
System.Data.DataTable dtColumns = TheFeatureLayer.FeatureSource.ExecuteQuery(“Select * FROM [shapefile.dbf] Where 1=0”);
In V9 the ExecuteQuery returns System.Data.DataTable. In V10 the ExecuteQuery returns GeoDataTable. This is a fairly large change to have been introduced.
Is there another query that will return what it did in V9?
Your thoughts/suggestions please?