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SID File(Raster Image File) to SQL Server and Displaying that as a feature layer

Hi! I am developing a map with some vector and raster layers.
I have made MapView object and overlayed the vector layer from SQL Server.
Now, my issue is how to store the .sid file to SQL Server and display it as a feature layer.
Please help me.

hi @willson_sam ,

I don’t think we can store .sid file to sql and display it as a feature layer. As you may notice, there’re xxxRasterLayer and xxxFeatureLayer in thinkgeo products, RasterLayer and FeatureLayer are totally different.


Thanks Leo.
I want to restore raster image data(Tiles or MrSID file) to Sql Server.
How can I do that?

hi, @Kyle_Day, it seems that you implemented raster stuff with SqlLite? maybe SqlServer can support this also, right?


Hey @willson_sam,

So, in order to get these in SqlServer, here is what I would do:

  1. Create a small project that displays the MrSid data
  2. In that small project, add a FileRasterTileCache to the overlay
  3. Create a script that uses mapView.Pan and mapView.Zoom to programmatically draw the entire extent of the MrSid file
  4. Add the generated TileCache images to a table using zoomlevel, row, column, image as columns

From there, I have a class laying around that can consume tiles from a SQLite database that can be adapted to use SqlServer instead. Better yet, I might be able to implement it in our existing code to where you just need to override a function and query your table there.

Let me know if any of that makes sense to you or if you need any clarifications.


Hi Kyle.
Thanks for your help.
I am just going to do that with your hint.
Now, I am wondering how to restore raster tiles to SQL Server.
I have to build script to upload the tiles automatically?

Hey @willson_sam,

Yes, you’ll have to build a script to take the file the TileCache generates to add them to the table in SQL Server.
