I actually have two questions:
The first is I have an issue with spikes appearing in some feature outlines. They come and go depending on what extent you're at. Attached is a screen shot of the issue. I have tried setting the various "cap" and LineJoin properties of the pen used to draw the outline to round, but that doesn't work.
The second question relates to determining if the current extent is within it's minimum zoom level. Say for example I setup a layer to not draw until the extent is within ZoomLevel05. I would like to be able to easily determine if the layer will draw at the current extent. I see that there is a GetZoomLevelForDrawing method, but that doesn't seem to be what I need. In the 2.0 version of Desktop there was a IsWithinCurrentExtent for thresholds and zoom levels. I basically need an equivalent to that in 4.0.
Thanks in advance for your help!