I downloaded and used the Split Polygons Based on Gird program, which ran fine. However, when I load the produced shapefies into my map, I am seeing the grid lines, though they are very light. Here is the code that loads one of the files:
Dim countriesLayer1 As ShapeFileFeatureLayer = New ShapeFileFeatureLayer(Folders.HurrevacAppDataDirectory & _ “\countrieswoUS_areasplit.shp”)
countriesLayer1.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle = AreaStyles.CreateSimpleAreaStyle(landColor)
countriesLayer1.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle.OutlinePen.Color = GeoColor.StandardColors.Transparent
countriesLayer1.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle.OutlinePen.Width = 0.0
countriesLayer1.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20
I’ve tried removing the references to the outlinepen, but with the same results. Likewise, when I load the _linesplit.shp file, I can’t get the boarder lines to draw, though they do appear, again very lightly. Any thoughts on how I can get these lines displaying (or not) correctly?