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Stretch polygon/line by changing bounding box width/height?

I’d like to edit shapes by increasing/decreasing the width/height of a features bounding box on the edit overlay.

It would involve selecting one of 4 control points, which would be the center points of the 4 sides of the bounding box. Moving one would move the 2 vertices corresponding to that side of the bounding box.

I assume I need to subclass EditInteractiveOverlay to achieve this.

How would I go about doing this, such as what overrides are necessary?

Hi Scott,

I think our EditInteractiveOverlay can support resize mode, you can view our sample here:

If you want to support custom operation, you should want to override the functions for example MouseDownCore, MouseMoveCore, MouseUpCore etc. I am not sure it’s simple to implement, but if you met any detail problem please let us know.

