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Support for Vector Tile layers

I am developing an application where we need to retrieve Vector Tiles from an API source and display the tiles as a layer on our ThinkGeo map. The Vector Tiles returned from the API are provided as raw data in a Protocolbuffer Binary Format (PBF).

Does MapSuite provide support for such Vector Tile layers?

Kind regards,

Hi Luke,

Our development team is researching how to support this type in our map, but it’s not supported in currently version.

Thanks to let us know your requirement.

Any update I will let you know.



Hi Luke,

Our developer update the information, this feature is in the plan list and our developer is working on it.

In fact we have a ThinkGeoCloudVectorMapsLayer, it render our inner PBF file, you can try it but we don’t make sure it also works well for your data.

If possible could you please upload your PBF test data so we can also test it in our end?



Hi Ethan,

Thanks for the reply.

I am not exactly sure just what the PBF test data should look like as the resulting stream from the API is not in a readable format.

Would you be able to provide me with a small sample/indication of what a readable PBF file would look like so that I can confirm it is in the correct format before uploading to this post?

Thanks for your help.



Hi Luke,

We don’t need to read that, just need to test it and see whether maybe it can works in currently logic.

If it’s not easy to get, please just ignore that and wait we support this feature in future.



Hi Ethan,

It’s not particularly easy for us to get some test data at the moment unfortunately. I can attach a .pbf file which was sent as a response from the Vector Tile API, but I have a feeling that the content has not been downloaded in a format that helps.

I have had to change the extension to .txt as you do not allow uploads of .pbf files.

2.txt (3.7 KB)

Do you have a rough idea of when this feature will be available for MapSuite for .Net framework?

Kind regards,


Hi Luke,

Thanks for your file, I will sent it to our developer to see whether that’s helpful.

For now we don’t have an estimate for it, and I think it should be applied to version 12(.net core now) first.

