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The ThinkGeo Blazor map component

Greetings WebForms developers,

If you’ve been following the buzz about Microsoft’s new Blazor SPA framework for the web, you might be interested to know that we now offer a Blazor map component in our latest version of ThinkGeo UI. It works similarly to our WebForms control and is a great move for those of you who might be looking to migrate your projects to .NET Core 3.0 in the near future.

We’ve put together a couple of introductory videos to demonstrate how easy it is to create a Blazor mapping project. The first one walks you through adding a ThinkGeo Cloud base map to your Blazor app using Visual Studio Code on MacOS (though the same steps apply to both Windows and Linux).

Quick Start in VS Code - Part 1 - Adding the Basemap

Following on from there, the second video demonstrates how to overlay a ShapeFile feature layer on top of your base map and apply a style to it.

Quick Start in VS Code - Part 2 - Adding a Shapefile (7:37)

If you’re interested in Blazor, head over to our Blazor forum or get in touch with us to find out more about what it can do.
