Think Geo can provide Topographical map ?
Think geo can provide Topographical map?
Hi Vivek,
Do you want to get Topographical map directly from our WorldMapKit product or just want to use our product to render your topography data?
Our WorldMapKit product don’t provide Topographical map for now, but you can contact sales@thinkgeo.com or support@thinkgeo.com to get further information about that.
If you have topography data, you can render it by our product. Here is a related topic: thinkgeo.com/forums/MapSuite/tabid/143/aft/8918/Default.aspx
hi Don,
Ok thnx for reply.
I want to get Topographical map directly from our WorldMapKit product but its not available .
Hi Vivek,
Our current WorldMapKit product haven’t provided Topographical map so we cannot solve your problem in forum. Please contact sales@thinkgeo.com or support@thinkgeo.com and discuss with them about your requirement.