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Think GEO GDAL in iOS

I m exploring GDAL support for Xamarin,iOS and Mac and found ThinkGEO.GDAL nugget package. I just want to confirm would this nugget package support GDAL functionality, vector rester manipulation?

Just accessed some method and throwing some exception.



Driver drv = Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile”);

Just wanted to confirm will this nuggetpackege support GDAL and if it is do you have any document?


Hey @Devendran,

We don’t officially support GDAL on iOS, and for some history, the ThinkGeo.Gdal NuGet package is largely just a wrapper around GDAL and not much more.

That said, if you are looking to display Shapefiles in your iOS project, you can certainly do so with our ThinkGeo.UI.iOS or ThinkGeo.UI.Xamarin packages using our map control and the ShapeFileFeatureLayer. You can learn more about how to use ThinkGeo’s Xamarin packages by downloading our HowDoI samples project:

There are a ton of samples there to help you get started, but perhaps the most relevant for you would be the Displaying a Shapefile Layer Sample.
