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ThinkGeo WmsLayerPlugin migration to version 12


I am currently migrating ThinkGeo from version 9 to version 12 and came across that “WmsLayerPlugin” abstract class is no longer supported.
Can I know is there a substitute class which I can use in version 12?
Note: Im very new to ThinkGeo, so any help is appreciated

Hey @KarishmaF,

WmsLayerPlugin abstract class was replaced with WmsRasterLayer and its accompanying WmsRasterSource class. There is also a WmsOverlay class that you can use that might be more desirable if you are just looking to change how tiles are retrieved. Either of these classes can be subclassed have methods that can be overridden to accommodate your needs.

We have a few samples that shows you how these classes are used in our HowDoI samples and is the best place for you to learn, especially if you are new to ThinkGeo. You can see how a to use and setup a WmsRasterLayer and WmsOverlay in our WMSLayerSample. The links provided goes to our WPF samples, but the functionality is almost always the same across all other platform targets.


Hi Kyle,

Thanks for getting back to me.
I have few questions which I need to clarify,

  1. Currently the project Im working on is on v9. Can I upgrade directly from v9 - v12 or do I have to first upgrade to v10 and then to 12?
  2. The main purpose of the class is to create tile cache using the main image in the main class we refer to the abstract class WmsLayerPlugin. Within the MultiGeoRasterWmsLayerPlugin class we refer to few classes such as (supported in v9)
    • GdiPlusRasterLayer
    • FileBitmapTileCache
    • MapConfiguration
    • GetMapRequest
    • BitmapTileCache
    • TileMatrixCell
    • GdiPlusGeoCanvas
      Is there is any documentation which I can refer to when upgrading from v9 to latest versions which functions became redundant and what functions can be used instead please ?
      Currently Im having a bit of a hard time finding documentation on how I can convert the old functions/classes to the latest version (v12). If you can shed some light that would be a great help.

Thanks heaps :slight_smile:

Hey @KarishmaF,

I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood your post from earlier. When I saw you mention WmsLayerPlugin, I thought you were referring to just consuming a WMS layer tp the map and not actually creating one. It’s been a long time since I have even looked at ThinkGeo v9 and just assumed that’s what that was.

So, to set you straight, just forget everything I said in my last post. ThinkGeo v12 does not have support for WMS Server, but ThinkGeo MapSuite v10 does, which is the latest version available.

You will need to download ProductCenter v10 from and then add the WmsServer nuget package (ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WmsServer ) to your project. After which, you will have access to the WmsLayerPlugin abstract class that you are already aware of from v9. You’ll also want to pull in the MapSuite.Core v10 package and any relevant layers and styles packages that you will use to create your WMS Server. Also, GdiPlusRasterLayer and GdiPlusGeoCanvas is now NativeImageRasterLayer and PlatformGeoCanvas respectively. Since you are coming from v9, it might be a good idea to read through the v10 upgrade guide as well.


Thanks Kyle for the clarification.

Just wondering ThinkGeo v10 does support CAD files isnt it?

Hey @KarishmaF,

Yes, ThinkGeo v10 does support CAD files through the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Cad extension nuget package.
