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Tilecache not working since 14.2.0-beta012

What happened with the tilecache function since bet012 ? (maybe 011 too, not tested).
Tiles are no longer created in the cache directory and also the layers won’t show.
The tiles which are already present do show on the map.
If I don’t assign the tilecache the layers show just fine from inMemoryFeatureLayer

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom

Hi Guido,

So you see it is called “Beta” for a reason :slight_smile:

Please try the latest version Beta 15 and send us your code snippet if you still see any issues.

In Beta 12 we improved the performance of cache loading by avoiding/delaying converting the loaded data to GeoImage if possible.

In Beta 15, we obsoleted TileCache.SaveTile()/GetTile() and recommend using TileCache.SaveTileAsync()/GetTileAsync(), which make the application more responsive, and are better tested.


Hi Ben,

I definitely do understand why it’s called “Beta” :wink:
I didn’t mean to offend you in any way, just wanted to let you know I found a bug.

I tried beta015 in my code, but still the same issue.
This is the code I use to ‘attach’ filerastertilecache to an overlay and works in beta010.

Dim sCacheFolder As String = “D:\Tilecache”
Dim Overlaycache New FileRasterTileCache(sCacheFolder, sMapID, GeoImageFormat.Png)
OVL.TileCache = Overlaycache

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom

Hi Guido,

Sure! Thanks for trying the latest version and reporting us the bug! This is how it can be improved and evolved. :slight_smile:

Please try the latest version 016, this issue has been fixed.

Just let us know if you see any other issues.
