I would like to know if it could be possible to control the "Map1.ajaxCall" be synchronous or asynchrounous?
I would like to know if it could be possible to control the "Map1.ajaxCall" be synchronous or asynchrounous?
Sorry that ajaxCall doesn’t support synchronous, just as its name “AJAX” showns, it means the “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”, in other words, it should be asynchronous.
But the workaround is that you can skip our AjaxCall to define a custom Ajax call to support synchronous. Actually, we do the Ajax call though WebRequest object in MicrosoftAjax, and you can see the call logic in GeoFunction.js at around line 627.
As I know, there is an easy way to switch synchronous and asynchrounous in an Ajax call with Jquery Ajax. So, instead of using MicrosoftAjax library, I guess you can choose the Jquery Ajax call with some necessary parameters which you can found in our original Ajax call method.
Hope it helps.