I use a GdiPlusRasterLayer with a path and an image extent (without world file).
i am using the following code to get the map coordinates where the mouse is located on on each mouse move:
Point screenPoint = args.GetPosition(_view);
The image layer was created like this:
RectangleShape imageLayerBBOX = new RectangleShape(0, imageSize.Height, imageSize.Width, 0);
GdiPlusRasterLayer gdiPlusRasterLayer = new GdiPlusRasterLayer(imagePath, imageLayerBBOX);
gdiPlusRasterLayer.Name = coreLayer.LayerID.ToString();
and on initialization of the map iam setting:
mapControl.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.Meter;
mapControl.ZoomLevelSet = new PrinterZoomLevelSet(mapControl.MapUnit, PrinterHelper.GetPointsPerGeographyUnit(mapControl.MapUnit));
my problem is that i am expecting to get 0,0 on the map coordinates on the upper left of the image (Red circle)
what i do get is where in the green circle.
also i see that the actual location changes according to my current extent.
i am trying to get the location in order to place one of our features on that location, can’t seem to do that.
am i doing some thing wrong here?