Hello, I am using the following lines of code to try to add a WMS overlay to my map, either setting it as a background overlay or a custom overlay:
Dim wms As New WmsOverlay("WMS Overlay")
wms.Parameters.Add("LAYERS", "massgis:GISDATA.IMG_COQ2005")
wms.Parameters.Add("SRS", "EPSG:26986")
'wms.Parameters.Add("FORMAT", "image/jpeg")
wms.WebImageFormat = WebImageFormat.Png
wms.ServerUris.Add(New Uri("giswebservices.massgis.state.ma.us/geoserver/wms"))
wms.TileType = TileType.MultipleTile
wms.TileHeight = 256
wms.TileWidth = 256
wms.IsBaseOverlay = True
mapWeb.BackgroundOverlay = wms
mapWeb.BackgroundOverlay.IsVisible = True
mapWeb.BackgroundOverlay.IsBaseOverlay = True
When doing so, all I get are pink boxes with X's in them, as if the image cannot be found.
This URL works fine:
Please advise.