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Unable to create layer on map when coordinate are in comma decimal

I am using Map Suite Silverlight Edition for Web and using Assembly SilverlightMapSuiteCore.dll, v2.0.50727 for Silverlight Web using C#, .NET.

ThinkGeo Map FeatureSource.GetFeaturesWithinDistanceOf is throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException when values are in comma decimal.

Example: X=151,22735273838, Y= -33,9706662837007 is throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

but X=151.22735273838, Y= -33.9706662837007 is working fine.

Does ThinkGeo Map always expects decimal values as dot(.) not as comma(,) Please confirm.


Hi Chandan,

The Silverlight v2 product is over 15 years old and it’s not actively supported. I did a test with our newer ThinkGeo v13 and both commas and decimals work fine. Is there any way you can upgrade to a newer version?

If not, you may try tweaking your culture settings on the PC and in your code. I know that commas are typically only used in some cultures like French and German. You may be able to switch this to a culture using a decimal with code similar to:
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(“en-US”);
