Hello again,
I have been working with the LegendPrinterLayer, attempting to programmatically size it and add legend items. I created a small test app to experiment with the various properties of the LegendPrinterLayer and the LegendItems. I want to be able to create a 'default' legend for our users that will need little or no tweaking.
Initially I want to create a LegendPrinterLayer that is wide enough to contain the widest legend item. More specifically it just needs to be wide enough to contain the text of the TextStyle associated with each legend item. However, if the text is very wide there is no way to make the legend wide enough. When you try to make the legend wider, the legend items all get wider as well (the same thing does not happen when addjusting the height of the LegendPrinterLayer).
The legend ResizeMode is set to 'Resizable'.
For this issue I am using MS Desktop Production Build
I have attached a sample project to demostrate the issue.
LegendSizeTest.zip (48.7 KB)