I've been playing around with rendering zoom levels differently.
My understanding was that zoom level 1 is the "world view" and zoom level 20 is the "detailed view". I use customized zoom levels, but I assume that this won't change the overall workings of zoom levels.
Is this correct ?
When I set styles on a particular zoom level, and use ApplyUntilZoomLevel, it seems that none of the "applied-to" zoom levels have any styles attached to them.
E.g., if I first add styles to zoom level 10, and apply it until level 20, I would except all zoom levels 11-20 to have a copy of the styles in 10. So when I later add one additional style to zoom level 15, and apply that level until level 20, I would expect zoom levels 16-20 to contain the sum of styles from zoom levels 10 and 15 (or rather just a copy of 15's, but the net effect is the same).
But it doesn't work that way, apparently. So I assume that you just let "applied-to" zoom levels somehow refer back to source zoom level.
Is this also correct ?
If so, multiple ApplyUntilZoomLevel assignments will produce unexpected results, as I assume a single level can only refer back to one other zoom level.
Correct ?