Hello everyone,
I've got an issue with one of my project.
I've made a page that contains a map component. This page is inserted in other websites via an iframe. Some informations are exchanged between the websites and my page using javascript (Json).
In one case, I have a strange behavior from the map component.
I center the map by country (France in this case). Using IE8, when I go on the page that contains my page, the map is center around Egypt. When the user click on the map, it's return to France but the component not working well. If we refresh the page, the page behavior is correct, no more javascript errors.
You can view this behavior at this address : bayer-agri.fr/outils-ser...eteo-agri/
I'm not the developper of the website, only the page that contains the map component.
No informations are exchanged when the page is loading and no javascript errors are raised so we don't know where we have this issue.
Can you take a look and tell me if you have any idea ?
Thanks by advance.