Hello, I am using the code below the line to draw an ellipse when the user clicks a point. It seems that using "ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns" is what is needed to draw the ellipse. The ellipse has a radius of 10 miles. All I am doing is adding the "selectedFeatures in the selectedFeaturesCollection to the new Collection efc and using GetFeaturesIntersecting(selectedExtent) to find itself. It seems that I should be able to do the following, but this doesn't show the ellipse.
Thanks, sckeels...
foreach(Feature selectedFeatures in selectedFeaturesCollection)
highlightEllipseLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(selectedFeatures.Id, selectedFeatures);
foreach(Feature selectedFeatures in selectedFeaturesCollection)
selectedExtent = selectedFeatures.GetBoundingBox();
Collection<Feature> efc = ellipseLayer.QueryTools.GetFeaturesIntersecting(selectedExtent, ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns);
foreach(Feature ellipseFeature in efc)
string ellipseCellID = ellipseFeature.ColumnValues["CELLSITE_ID"];
string selectionCellID = selectedFeatures.ColumnValues["CELLSITE_ID"];
if(ellipseCellID == selectionCellID)
highlightEllipseLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(ellipseFeature.Id, ellipseFeature);