I would like to use the function GetFeaturesNearestTo to select 1 shape, with specifying a search radius, but with getting all column names. This function has 6 overloads, however this case seems to be missing, or am I wrong ?
When looking in the code browser if thinkgeo.core.querytools, i see this overload twice :
Public Function GetFeaturesNearestTo(targetShape As BaseShape, unitOfData As GeographyUnit, maxItemsToFind As Integer, returningColumnNames As IEnumerable(Of String), searchRadius As Double, unitOfSearchRadius As DistanceUnit) As Collection(Of Feature)
What i am looking for is something like :
Public Function GetFeaturesNearestTo(targetShape As BaseShape, unitOfData As GeographyUnit, maxItemsToFind As Integer, returningColumnNames As ReturningColumnsType, searchRadius As Double, unitOfSearchRadius As DistanceUnit) As Collection(Of Feature)