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V12.2.1 GetFeaturesNearestTo double overload / missing one

I would like to use the function GetFeaturesNearestTo to select 1 shape, with specifying a search radius, but with getting all column names. This function has 6 overloads, however this case seems to be missing, or am I wrong ?

When looking in the code browser if thinkgeo.core.querytools, i see this overload twice :
Public Function GetFeaturesNearestTo(targetShape As BaseShape, unitOfData As GeographyUnit, maxItemsToFind As Integer, returningColumnNames As IEnumerable(Of String), searchRadius As Double, unitOfSearchRadius As DistanceUnit) As Collection(Of Feature)

What i am looking for is something like :
Public Function GetFeaturesNearestTo(targetShape As BaseShape, unitOfData As GeographyUnit, maxItemsToFind As Integer, returningColumnNames As ReturningColumnsType, searchRadius As Double, unitOfSearchRadius As DistanceUnit) As Collection(Of Feature)

All overload will get into public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfFeatureSource, int maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames)

You can use
var columns = shapeLayer.FeatureSource.GetColumns(); to get all column names.



ok thanks, i used this solution, but it seems not logical that we have twice the same overload.

Thanks Dutch,
Some overload looks very close. But they have different parameter type.

public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfFeatureSource, int maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames)
public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, int maxItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType)
public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, int maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames)
public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, int maxItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType)
public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, int maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, double searchRadius, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius)
public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, int maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, double searchRadius, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius)

