True, but I don’t think the FleeBooleanStyle example has citiesLayer which you mentioned in your post (and which is of main interest to me as I am also doing point styles).
I now have triangular custom rotated vessels with customs labels using this code:
Dim rotatedpointStyle As New RotatedPointStyle(PointStyles.CreateSimpleTriangleStyle(GeoColor.SimpleColors.Red, 15, GeoColor.SimpleColors.Black), “VCMG”, 1)
Dim textStyle As TextStyle = TextStyles.CreateSimpleTextStyle(“Name”, “Arial”, 10, DrawingFontStyles.Regular, GeoColor.StandardColors.Black, GeoColor.FromArgb(100, GeoColor.SimpleColors.Green), 2, 0, -8)
That works very nicely. However, the CreateSimpleTriangleStyle output doesn’t give a clear indication of direction, given that the triangles are equilateral. So, I am trying to change that to a custom rotating icon. I see a posting here:
which is talking about “use a PNG fie with transparent pixels as a custom point style image” which is exactly what I want to do, but the code in that topic appears to be for default point style, not custom point style. How do I get a custom bitmap that I can rotate? It must be something like this (but this is wrong!):
Dim rotatedpointstyle As New RotatedPointStyle(PointStyles.CreateSimplePointStyle(PointType.Bitmap.Image = New GeoImage(“MyIcon.png”))